Drizzling in Dordrecht

To be honest, this could have been called 'Hammering it down in the Hague', 'Raining in Rotterdam' or 'Pissing it down in Pannerden'. Let's just say that it's been rather wet.20110828-113251.jpgSome first few days statistics:- Thunderstorms endured on day 1: 1- Sets of bike shorts currently wet: 2 (out of 3)- Friends met up with since leaving: 4- Total miles cycled: 165- Number of times lost: too many to countManaged 43 miles to Dordrecht on day 1 which included a LONG lunch to meet some friends for lunch in Rotterdam, followed by 65 miles to Leersum on day 3 and a paltry 47 today (on account of sleeping in a little).Things learnt so far:- Holland is wet. Especially in the last week of August it would seem- The city maps in my guide bear no resemblance to the reality whatsoever (I somehow left Carl and cycled almost completely the wrong way out of Rotterdam)- People are very friendly (including the student who cycled with me for half an hour out of his way into the middle of Dordrecht to make sure I didn't follow my random map and end up in Belgium)- My Primus stove is A-mazing. It boils enough water for pasta in about a minute and nothing sticks to the pans. Not even porridge.- I'm going to need to eat like a horse every day for the rest of this tripSome images from the last few days...20110828-113613.jpg20110828-113623.jpg20110828-114153.jpg20110828-113639.jpg20110828-113648.jpg20110828-113700.jpg20110828-113729.jpg20110828-113800.jpg20110828-113811.jpg20110828-113827.jpg