Finally, a Route!

Well its all been a little quiet on here on account of the last month or two being pretty much taken up with buying a flat & moving in, moving out of the old one, trying to finish up my work, and sorting the bike out. Plenty of things to do, no time to write it down here!

Anyway, I think I've eventually come up with a route now which is shown on the map.

This is made up of:

  • A rather random route from south London to Harwich (composed on BikeMap) (92 miles);
  • Ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland;
  • The Rhine cycle route from Rotterdam to Karlsruhe (480 miles);
  • The Black Forest Bike Crossing mountain bike route from Pforzheim to Bad Sackingen (279 miles including 16,000 metres of climbing!);
  • The Swiss 'Jura' mountain bike route from Basel to Nyon (221 miles, of which 102 miles are un-surfaced and 21 miles are single-track, with 7,700 metres of climbing); and
  • The Swiss 'Panorama' mountain bike route from Montreux to St Gallen (283 miles, of which 87 are un-surfaced and 13 miles are single-track, with 13,700 metres of climbing);

together with a few other bits linking these together.The map isn't totally accurate as its pieced together from gps routes found online, but its accurate enough for an overview.  On the ground I'll have maps and most of the routes are waymarked.So altogether I think that's about 1,430 miles of pedalling.  Should I feel dubious about the fact that the furthest distance I've ever cycled in one go is about 50 miles?  I'm sure it will be fine.  I'll take it easy, build up the distances.  Just keep pedalling.  It'll be fine.  Won't it...?