Inland Bound


Having left Valencia with my front wheel pointed roughly in the direction of Andalucia, I thought I'd put up something on the planned route ahead. Just on my last afternoon in Valencia, having thought I might be heading into the mountains on tarmac, I found an off-road route heading out of the city, in the right direction.I’m going to follow the Camino Levante south and then west as far as Albacete (pink & red on the map below), then ride the Via Verde (Greenway) Sierra de Acaraz to Acaraz (green), and then probably follow some roads in order to reach the northern part of the Trans Andalucia mountain bike route (blue), which I’m going to follow anti-clockwise…Depending on how quick / slow I am, I may try to do the whole loop. Or I may get distracted somewhere, who knows… The route looks something like this…RouteI'm quite excited!At least I was before, just a couple of days along the Camino Levante, my progress was slowed by some kind of man flu / sore throat / achy muscles / general weakness lurgy. I'm currently holed up in an odd hotel in Le Font de la Figuera, trying to eat and sleep it off. This isn't proving all that effective as the hotel seems to serve the same undercooked pork steak with courgette (and no carbs) for its main dinner each night, and a minimal breakfast consisting of tiny pre-packaged artificial looking croissants, and there is no kettle in sight to use for making hot drinks. I'm contemplating some sneaky cooking in my hotel room, although the use of meths with the wood flooring makes me slightly nervous...Fingers crossed...