Welcome to the Wonderful Bunyan Velo


Bunyan Velo, Issue 4I haven't yet felt the need to post links to other people's writing but sometimes there are exceptions.Bunyan Velo first appeared a year or so ago, and when I opened Issue 1 it was as if I'd discovered a treasure trove that I had previously not even considered might exist.Compiled by Lucas Winzenburg and released quarterly since, it is an anthology of the most gorgeous photography and writing about bike travel that you will ever come across in one place.The collections of essays contain a perfect balance of words and pictures. Some offer the briefest text to support glorious images, others are more descriptive. All communicate the wonder, simplicity and adventure of travelling and exploring backcountry by bike, on both epic, remote journeys and during brief escapes from a more urban life.Unsurprisingly, the authors of many of my favourite bike travel blogs (such as Cass Gilbert, Nicholas Carmen, Logan Watts and Lael Wilcox) are starting to regularly contribute, but there are many others whom I discover with each issue.Issue 4 is out now. It's free to read online and none of the contributors are paid, but you can pay to download a PDF version and help to ensure that this wonderful independent publication continues to grow.Every copy is full of inspiration for the journeys being undertaken and for the quality of the photography and writing. I feel like a kid at Christmas every time I open it.The photo on the cover of Issue 4 pictured above is by Cass Gilbert.