A Year of Not Much Adventure... So Far...


Despite the year starting off with a little overnight adventure which boded well for much more this year, other than a February camping / walking trip in the Brecons again, a mixture of illness (a month with labrynthitis), awful weather with heaps of rain, getting a little sidetracked by the amazing Olympics, and other life / work / family 'stuff', has meant that the first half of the year has been pretty devoid of exciting activity.  Even the series of Clapham Common 10km races that I entered at the beginning of the year have all clashed with illness or other plans.So, in an attempt to put the year back on track adventure wise, plans for August through to November have included the UK Adventure Film Festival in Dorset, the Gorrick 12:12 Torq in your Sleep 12 hour mountain bike enduro race; a week learning fundamental bushcraft skills with Woodlore (set up by Ray Mears), three days bikepacking the Trans-Cambrian Way (a 100 mile mountain bike route across Wales from England to the Irish sea) hopefully with Helen Lloyd, and a week in October walking the West Highland Way with my brother.Lets get this year back on track (adventure-wise at least)!Oh, and I'm about to enter the Bath Half Marathon in early March 2013 with some friends. Gulp.More on each of these soon.